Moundridge Valley Hope
Alcohol, Drug and Related Treatment Services
A nationally-recognized, nonprofit organization dedicated to providing quality chemical dependency treatment services at an affordable price.
There's help. There's hope.
Are you having problems because of alcohol or other drug use? Do you need help? Are you a family member concerned about a loved one?
Reasonable Cost.
We offer a variety of treatment options, including Residential Medically Monitored Detoxification, Residential Inpatient, Day or Partial Care, Outpatient, Continuing Care, and Family Programs. Our quality treatment services are comprehensive and offered at a reasonable cost.
Moundridge Valley Hope
200 S Avenue B
Moundridge KS 67107
Tel: 620 345-4673
Fax: 620 345-4684
Moundridge Valley Hope is located near the Wichita metro area and within close proximity to Hutchinson and Newton, Kan.
Treatment services provided at this state licensed facility include residential inpatient, day or partial care, medically monitored detox, family program and relapse prevention/continuing care. Staff also provide assessment/evaluation services.
